Steve, Benjamin, and I went to the White House, but unfortunately, George W didn't get the memo and instead went to Georgia that day to campaign. So...we stayed outside and took pictures from outside the White House. Benjamin didn't seem to mind! :)
See anyone's name you recognize? This was taken from the Vietnam War Memorial Wall. We were walking by, and I happened to see Benjamin F. Pitts' name on very creepy! Prophecy of the battles he will face for Jesus?
Molly and Benjamin, sharing a quiet moment in the backyard with a drink of juice. (Don't misunderstand...both of them have been known to drink from the "sippy" cup. You don't have to sip to get juice!)
It's about time we got some Internet-time!! Thanks, Mom!! Note that to do this, we had to interrupt Molly from her stick chewing, Molly and Sammy's backyard meeting...a quick game of "dead dog" (Sammy verified that Molly was alive)...and one happy Sammy-dog! Enjoy!!
Steve and I took a trip to the Smoky's this summer--and this is a picture of our first day there, with a view from our cabin's front porch. What a GREAT trip!!! (Benjamin and the girls stayed behind with Grandma and Grandpa (Bob-Bob).
Look at me--exploring Grandma's bridge in front of her home in Indy before she moves to be close to me in Georgia!! I'm all ready for the sun and fun...but thought I'd stop and pose for this picture!
Benjamin and Mommy at the dentist (unfortunately, for Mommy, and thankfully, not for Benjamin!)! We really know how to live down here in the land of peanuts and peaches!!
Benjaminand Brody--showing Aunt Sally and Mama the future as they check out chicks in front of Arni's in Indy. Brody learns fast from his older cousin!!
Benjamin's first balloon experience at his first skating party for his friend, Bethanie (this was in August--slight delay in posting!!). He had a great time, as you can see!
Benjamin proudly displaying his knowledge (courtesy of Mama) "see-food"! This has come in handy, actually, when we need to know if he has actually SWALLOWED his food!
Welcome to our new life in Iowa. This is our little place to share what we are doing and how we are growing to all our friends and family close and far away. Thanks for stopping by--please leave us a note!