I need more C-scans and blood tests to determine what is best for me and my long-term health. I still have a flat side to my head, and my soft spot is still not completely closed. I may still have to wear a helmet someday, although no one will tell Mommy whether or not that is true. I still don't hear well out of my left ear...if at all. I apparently have an Iron deficiency, although Mommy hasn't been able to track down how my foster family would know this and have me on Iron supplements. She's trying really hard to find out everything she can to make me well.
I still have issues with sleeping through the night, but that's because I'm still only 11.8 lbs. Thankfully, the doctor put me on cereal with my formula, and while it has caused some abdominal discomfort (big words for me!), it is helping me sleep better. That's good, because Mommy and Grandma were very tired because I wanted to stay up after I had a good bottle and diaper change!
My neck and back are getting stronger, but since I am not being forced to lie on my tummy, I don't get to work them much. I did; however, watch Mommy fall asleep while I layed on her belly in the middle of the night. When she woke up, I was right there, keeping an eye on her to make sure she was Ok. I held my head up high so she would be proud of me!
She made me do situps, too, which did not make me the happiest baby, but when she and Grandma cheered for me, I wanted to do it more!
Mommy and Daddy are not sure what will happen after I have all of my tests run over the next few weeks, but they are going to do their best to make sure I get the help I need until I can come home. Which reminds me...
I need the social worker to finish her report and turn it in so we can get into the last stage of my homecoming process, which is called PGN. Please pray for me so I can come home to Mommy, Daddy, Benjamin, and the loveys as soon as possible. I hear that Benjamin and the loveys are pretty cool, and I can't wait to meet them! And, I'm ready to sleep in my own bed so I can spread out!
By the way, I am in love with my hands and my feet. I just find them fascinating!!! And, I think my Mommy and my Grandma are soooooo funny!!! Especially Grandma. She's so goofy that she's hilarious!!
So, please pray that we will get through the Guatemalan processes quickly. My family needs me home. If you have any more questions, please ask Mommy or Daddy. They can tell you. Otherwise, I heard that Benjamin prays for me all the time, and I like that. I want to come home so I can steal his toys and pull his hair!!
Take a moment to look at my pictures...and you will see just how great I am! God made me sooo special that He gave me to Mommy and Daddy forever. It's time for forever to begin now!